June 5, 2024

Google won’t index sites that do not work on mobile devices July 5

March 7, 2024

Google My Business Profiles Tools Are Temporarily Unavailable

January 2, 2024

Distinguish WordPress.com from WordPress.org

May 18, 2023

WordPress Vulnerability Report – May 17, 2023

March 16, 2022

WordPress Vulnerability Report

March 9, 2022

Plugin And Theme Vulnerability Report

May 24, 2021

How website loading time affects your bottom line – Kiss Metrics

November 29, 2018

From Twitter: 10 Tips to Improve Your Website #Sec…

November 29, 2018

From Twitter: Erealitatea[.]net Hack Corrupts Webs…

November 29, 2018

From Twitter: #Hackers Change #WordPress Siteurl t…

November 21, 2018

From Twitter: #Facebook Ads Manager problems affec…

October 31, 2018

From Twitter: Multiple Ways to Inject the Same Tec…

October 25, 2018

From Twitter: UK data watchdog fines Facebook maxi…

October 22, 2018

From Twitter: Google Caches JavaScript & CSS Files…

October 4, 2018

From Twitter: Google Search Console snapshot arriv…

September 29, 2018

Outdated Duplicator Plugin RCE Abused https://t.co…

September 29, 2018

#Google Fonts pop up #malware ? #webdesign #wordpr…

September 29, 2018

#WordPress #Database Upgrade Phishing Campaign htt…

September 26, 2018

Google Search Algorithm Shifts Around September 19…

September 26, 2018

Are you guilty of these common SEO mistakes? #mark…